Thursday 16 February 2017

Drama with Team 8 - 'The Life Cycle of a Frog'.

Tuesday 14th February

There are two tadpoles in Team 8.  Mrs Turner brought them in for us to watch change into frogs.
On Tuesday we noticed one of them had changed quite a lot.  We all looked carefully and saw that one of them is looking almost like a frog.  It has its front and back legs and its eyes are changing,
The other one is getting fatter and starting to grow its legs.
Here are some pictures of what they look like

Our Froglet
This one is hiding

 Mrs Grant read some books to Team 8 about the life cycle of a frog.  We then did some Drama to show the different stages of the life cycle.

The egg

The egg

Swimming tadpoles

Being tadpoles

Our frog arms and legs are starting to grow

Our tails are shrinking

Jumping everywhere
Watch out we are jumping frogs.

Team 8 then cut and paste their life cycle together.

We had a great time jumping around like crazy frogs.

Make sure you watch our blog for further frog drama!

1 comment:

  1. Jiayu Jerry HUAN8:54 pm

    Really interesting activities. Thank you Adelle.
