Friday, 28 July 2017

100 Days Party!

Team 8 started counting to 100 from the first day of school.  We counted all the school days that we have been at school.  It has been so much fun to learn how to count in 10's and 1's.
We had a great day on Wednesday dressing up, wearing cool 100 glasses and crowns and participating in lots of activities based around the number 100.
Some of the activities that we participated in were:

  • Making a structure with 100 blocks
  • Making a structure that held 2 books with 100 plastic cups
  • 100 and 1000 fairy bread
  • Making fruit and veges shaped into 100
  • Paper chains
  • Counting shapes and pictures with 100 different objects in them
  • Bingo dots to 100
  • Seeing how many press ups, sit ups, and star jumps we could do in 100 seconds (this was hard!)
Here are the pictures to show you all the fun we had.

It was an amazing day!
Thank you you to all the parents that put their efforts into helping your child make their costumes!
Mrs Grant

Thursday, 20 July 2017

It's a Wrap for Genius Time V1

Thanks to all the parents and families that supported us both in and out of the classroom with this experience. 

V1 was completed on Thursday 6th July at 1:30pm when Team 8 had the chance to present their learning to their class and families.

I am so proud of what our children achieved. Many new skills were learned including things like 'using a base to make something stand up on its own, or investigating the best way to stick two pieces of cardboard together, or how to sew in a straight line without running over our fingers so that Mrs Turner didn't have a heart attack'.

I was most proud of the reflections that the children made about their 'creations', and what they would do differently next time. I can't wait for V2!

Here are just some of the photos I took...