Thursday, 16 March 2017

Stop, Drop and Draw...

Today we trialed a new way to increase our reading comprehension called Stop, Drop and Draw.

First we read until Mrs Turner said STOP. Then it was time to DROP (close) our books, and DRAW  about what we remembered so far.

Jarrett and Tom are very good at drawing and could remember everything that happened in the story.

The BEST part was getting to talk about our pictures with a buddy. Mrs Turner was extremely proud of all the oral language that came out of this task. Maddie and William especially showed how brave they were at sharing their ideas and took turns talking about their pictures.

What great comprehension this group had! I think we'll give it another go next week!
Great work Team 8!

1 comment:

  1. Jiayu Jerry HUAN9:56 pm

    Anastasia told me about this activity at school. She loves it so much!
