Monday, 12 June 2017

Mr Eco.

We were so lucky today to have MR ECO come to Sunnyhills School.
Wow, was he exciting.  Even Mrs Grant had to get up to dance and sing!

He taught us lots of ways to help the environment... And we found out we can all do something to help. WE CAN ALL BE ECO HEROES!
 Here are some things we can do to help.

  • Say No to plastic straws!
  • Re-use plastic bags... or even better use re-usable bags.
  • Don't drop your plastic on the ground or in the sea.
  • Pick up your rubbish. Don't be a litter bug!
  • Try to use less water 
  • Watch what you put down the drain... it all goes to the sea!
Here is the link to his website and all the dances that he sang for us.
Have a look and see it is pretty cool!


  1. Jiayu Jerry HUAN9:58 pm

    protect pure NZ

  2. Well Team 8 it is important to protect the enviroment.I Hope Mr Eco was fun.

  3. brendon12:08 pm

    This was unexpected!!! Keep up the hard work Team 8.
    How was the presentation.
