Our 'passion led learning' projects are well underway in Team 8 so I thought I might share with you my personal thoughts and learning so far....
As a teacher, I remember feeling very overwhelmed with the whole concept to start with. I mean, I've done similar 'projects' in the senior school, but those kids can read! The question for me was "How do I get 22 brand new 5 year olds to really explore their learning and take the plunge into the unknown?"
My mentor, Donna (The teacher next door), told me that the big difference between genius time and other "project" learning is that "if it is 'ungoogleable', it's perfect". I decided then, that as result of genius time, I would like the children to be able to Make, do or teach. Can they make something, be able to do something new, or teach something to someone else?
Essentially I want the children to act upon their passion and learn something that THEY want to learn about. I want them to step outside their comfort zone and take a risk.
As a teacher (and a parent) this part challenged me. The whole time so far I have wanted to 'swoop in' in ''help". I've had to take a step back. I've come to realise that I want the kids to get it wrong - this will help them to find their own solution. Life long learning and all that!
So.... after only two sessions - one generating ideas and forming a plan of attack, and one "construction" hour. I'd say there are quite a few of us in the 'learning pit'. (The pit is that place where your tummy feels a little sick. The place where you realise that you have no idea what you're doing, but keep trying anyway. The place where, when you find a solution, making it out is more rewarding than being told the answer.) I'm there. I hope our kids are there too!
Yesterday, as I was explaining to Donna what chaos ensued after 'genius time' whilst tearing my hair out, she said to me "were all the kids on task? Was everyone happy and excited about their learning?"
And you know what? They were!
So, lets take that as success!
There is still a heap more learning for Team 8 and I, so Genius Time will continue every Thursday afternoon for the next wee while. Feel free to talk to your children about their projects - this will help them to generate ideas (and climb out of the pit) for themselves. Thank you soooooo much to all my mummy helps so far. We couldn't have done it without you. Hope to see you back if you're around.
Please feel free to come in and have a chat with me if you have any questions!
And to finish... some pictures of us from our last genius hour...