Friday, 30 June 2017

Matariki Waiata

Congratulations Team 8!
You did us proud in assembly today!

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Genius Time Invitation

Hey Team 8 Families,
Next Thursday Team 8 would like to share with you their Genius Time 'creations'. We are very proud of them would love you to come along if you are available. 

When: Thursday 6th July
Where: Room 8
Time: 1:45pm 
(I will send an email home if anything changes)

All family members and friends are more than welcome to come along (please sign in at the office).

Don't worry if you can't make it, I'll take lots of photos and upload them on here. 

In the meantime here is a sneak peak of what we've been up to...

A Civil Engineer Visits Team 8

Today we had a very special visitor. Her name was Kirsten and she is a civil engineer. We learned all about what civil engineers do. 
Did you know that civil engineers design and help to build our roads, bridges, services(sewer and wiring pathways) runways and tunnels?

She showed us a heap of pictures and told us about all the different types of bridges and how they work.

We tried out making bridges with our bodies. Can you guess what type of bridge we are trying to make?

THEN... The most exciting part happened! Kirsten let us build our very own arch bridge. Team 8 did a super job working together as a team to put all the wedges in place. It was a little tricky, we had to check what side of the wedge we were putting towards the middle. 

 Look how strong arch bridges are!!!! we can even stand on them! 

Afterwards, Mrs Clyde told us that the very top wedge of the arch bridge was called 'they keystone'. It is the strongest part of the arch.

We get to keep the 'bridge kits' in our room for the next few weeks, so if you have some spare time come in and have a play - Can you make a bridge that is strong enough for you to stand on?

It was a pretty cool experience. I think that some of team 8 might take this new learning into their Passion projects/Genius time next term!
... watch this space :-)

Friday, 23 June 2017

Chinese Folk Dancing

Today we had special visitors from China who taught us traditional Chinese dance. We were very focused and did awesome listening. 

Check us out...

Monday, 12 June 2017

Anastasia and Jarrett

We are learning to make up words with the same endings...

Today during Reading Anastasia and Jarrett talked about how we can make up lots of words that have the same endings.  
Today we talked about 'at' words.

Here are our selfies that Mrs Grant took (I need some help with taking selfies!!) of the words that Anastasia and Jarrett made up at reading time!

Mr Eco.

We were so lucky today to have MR ECO come to Sunnyhills School.
Wow, was he exciting.  Even Mrs Grant had to get up to dance and sing!

He taught us lots of ways to help the environment... And we found out we can all do something to help. WE CAN ALL BE ECO HEROES!
 Here are some things we can do to help.

  • Say No to plastic straws!
  • Re-use plastic bags... or even better use re-usable bags.
  • Don't drop your plastic on the ground or in the sea.
  • Pick up your rubbish. Don't be a litter bug!
  • Try to use less water 
  • Watch what you put down the drain... it all goes to the sea!
Here is the link to his website and all the dances that he sang for us.
Have a look and see it is pretty cool!

Arts Week

As Mrs Turner's blog post said...Sunnyhills took part in Arts Week last week. 
Here are some photos to show us making our Dream-catchers and also blending from dark blue to light blue.
We were clever Artists!

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Liam Shares his Knowledge

WoW! Team 8 were treated to a VERY special screening on Friday...

Look at Liam! 
He confidently got up in front of the WHOLE class to share his knowledge about golf! 

Liam, I am very proud of the way you first let us watch the movie (that you and your dad had made) first, and then calmly broke down the instructions for us to practice in class. Look at how focused all the children were on trying to get their swing perfect! 

Cairo was especially interested in all you had to say, perhaps you may now have a new golfing buddy???

Wherever the road may lead you Liam, whether it be golfing super star, you-tube 'how-to' sensation or something else just as amazing, know that Team 8 already think you are extraordinary and thank you for sharing your 'cool-ness' with us! (also - remember us when you are rich and famous ha ha x)

Days of the Week

For Maths, Team 8 are learning about Time. We have been practising the days of the week. It is important we know these and can put them in order. On Friday we made chains that had the days of the week in order. Here we are showing them off and singing "The Days of the Week" song.

Please help us to practise them at home too. :-)

Arts Week Fun

Team 8 had a ball during Arts week. 

  • We finished our Dream Catchers - Thank you soooo much to those lovely Mummy's who came in to help and to everyone who sent in ribbon, feathers and beads- they look absolutely amazing and we are super proud of how hard the kids worked on them.
  • We learned to blend colours with Mrs Grant - start with one colour and just keep adding white.
  • We did magic crayon pictures with Mrs Turner - see us shaving crayons and melting them with the iron.
  • We learned to draw a person - Thanks Mrs Grant for the instructions!

Take a look at the pictures...